• Best Seller-25%Limited
    Borno Golpo 6 Original price was: 900.00৳.Current price is: 675.00৳.

    গুফি (Goofi) থেকে আমরা সবসময় ইউনিক সব বইয়ের প্রোজেক্ট করি।

    গুফি থেকে আমাদের লক্ষ্য হচ্ছে এমন ধরণের বই তৈরি করা, যেরকম বই আগে কেউ কখনও দেখেনি বা করেনি। এমন ইস্যু, দক্ষতা বা থিম নিয়ে বইয়ের কাজ করা যেগুলো শিশুদের শেখানো খুব গুরুত্বপুর্ণ, কিন্তু কোন লেখক বা প্রকাশক সেগুলো নিয়ে কাজ করেনি।

    বর্ণ গল্প সিরিজটি গুফির তেমনি একটি প্রোজেক্ট।ইতিমধ্যে বর্ণ গল্পের ৫টি সিরিজ প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় বর্ণ গল্পের ৬ নাম্বার সিরিজটি প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।

    বর্ণ গল্প ৬-এ এবারের থিম- একতায় বিশ্বাস করি, বর্ণ গল্পে মন ভরি। 

    সিরিজটিতে মোট ৫ টি গল্প আছে।

    • তিনটি জাদুর মোমবাতি
    • থাকি মোরা মিলে মিশে
    • টিয়ার নতুন বন্ধুরা
    • ধন্য আমার কৃষক বাবা
    • স্কুলে এলো দুর্দশা


  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    Flash Card Series (Bangla + English + Math + Arabic) Original price was: 1,530.00৳.Current price is: 1,147.00৳.

    Goofi Flash Card Set

    Goofi crafts three unique Flash Card Set designed for children, including Bangla, English, and Early Math.

    Goofi Flash Card Bangla Details:

    গুফি বাংলা ফ্ল্যাশকার্ড দুই থেকে তিন বছর বয়সী শিশুদের উপযোগী। কার্ডগুলো এমনভাবে তৈরি করা হয়েছে যেন একজন অভিভাবক, শিক্ষক বা কেয়ারগিভার শিশুকে বাংলা ভাষায় কথা বলার দক্ষতা শেখাতে পারবে।

    কার্ডের সঠিক ব্যাবহারের মাধ্যমে শিশু তার চারপাশের নান বস্তু সম্পর্কে জানবে। খুব দ্রুত কথা বলা শিখতে পারবে, অন্যদের সাথে যোগাযোগ স্থাপন করার দক্ষতা বাড়বে। বাংলা ভাষার অক্ষরগুলো শিখে যাবে। সেই অক্ষরগুলো দিয়ে বিভিন্ন শব্দগুলো বলতে পারবে।

    যেসব শিশু দেরিতে কথা বলছে, অন্যের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে পারছে না বা ভাষাভিত্তিক Development Delay রয়েছে তাদের জন্যও কার্যকরী এই কার্ডগুলো।

    মা-বাবাদের সুবিধার্থে ব্যবহারবিধি, ডেভেলপমেন্ট অ্যাক্টিভিটিসহ মোট ৫৪ টি কার্ড আছে।

    Goofi Flash Card English Details:

    Goofi English flash cards have been designed for 2+year-old kids. These cards for kids are made for parents, teachers, or caregivers so they can teach children quickly and simply.

    The card can be used for 1+ years to teach different aspects of English language learning skills.

    A child can learn English words, the alphabet, and small sentences from the card. Our flashcards have real pictures so that children can recognize them in the real world. The child will learn to speak and interact with others.

    When used properly, Goofi flash cards are also useful for children who have delay, or useful for children who have speech delay or struggle to communicate with others.

    There are a total of 31 cards for kids including User Guide and Development Activity cards.

    Goofi Flash Card Early Math Details:

    Goofi early math flash cards have been designed for children ages 2 to 3. These cards for kids are made for parents, teachers, or caregivers who can teach a child different aspects of early math skills.

    A child soon picks up on the concepts of numbers, shapes, and colors through these. It may be stated that Math’s adventure got started.

    Additionally, he can easily relate shapes and colors to the objects around him. And counting will also be covered with learning numbers.

    There are total of 31 cards for kids including User Guide and Development Activity cards

    Key Features of Flash Card Set:

    • Learn the English alphabet and words with fun
    • Lean on familiar things around us.
    • Learn Early English language skills.

    Useful for special children, with speech delay if used properly according to the parent guide

    Inside the Box:

    • Total Card: 31
    • Parent Guide
    • Brain Development Assessment Guide

    Goofi Flash Card Arabic Details:

    Goofi Arabic Flashcards are an engaging way for children (3+ years) to learn the Arabic alphabet. This set includes 33 cards covering 29 letters and 100+ Arabic words while also instilling Islamic values, behavior, and lifestyle. Ideal for Madrasahs, Islamic schools, and home learning, the set also includes separate parenting cards for guidance.

    Key Features of Arabic Flash Card Set:

    • Learn the Arabic alphabet and words with fun.
    • Connect with familiar objects through engaging visuals.
    • Develop early Arabic language skills with interactive learning.

    Inside the Box

    • Total Card: 33

    Available on backorder

  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    Flash Card Series (Bangla + English + Math) Original price was: 1,180.00৳.Current price is: 885.00৳.

    3 Types of Flash Cards (Bangla,English & Early Math)

    • Storage Box (16 Ounce Board),
    • Water-proof Flashcards,
    • Development Activity Cards,
    • ECD Expert Developed Content

    Engaging, Fun, and Interactive learning, For 2+ Years (2-4 Years old),
    Useful for Special Children also.

    Available on backorder

  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    Flash Card Series (Bangla + English) Original price was: 830.00৳.Current price is: 623.00৳.

    2 Types of Flash Cards (Bangla & English)

    • Storage Box (16 Ounce Board),
    • Water-proof Flashcards,
    • Development Activity Cards,
    • ECD Expert Developed Content

    Engaging, Fun, and Interactive learning, For 2+ Years (2-4 Years old),
    Useful for Special Children also.

    Available on backorder

  • -25%Limited
    Kids Time Akte Sekhar Boi Original price was: 350.00৳.Current price is: 263.00৳.

    Introducing “কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই” for Kids aged 6-10: Unlocking Creativity Through Art.

    Unlock the boundless creativity within your child with “কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই” a delightful and engaging resource designed to ignite the imagination and hone artistic skills. Tailored for children aged 6 to 10, this beautifully illustrated book is an essential companion for budding artists and curious minds.

  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    Letter To Picture Series (Bangla + English) Original price was: 690.00৳.Current price is: 518.00৳.

    An innovative series by Waliullah Bhuiyan, designed for young children to learn the Bangla & English alphabet through a unique picture-based technique that boosts creativity and critical thinking.

  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    singapore math
    Singapore Math Level 1 & Level 2 Original price was: 1,840.00৳.Current price is: 1,380.00৳.

    Goofi অভিভাবকদের জন্য তার সন্তানের পূর্ণ বিকাশের জন্য সবসময়ই ভালো ভালো সব প্রোডাক্ট তৈরি করে। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় গুফি তৈরি করেছে Singapore Math. 

    Available on backorder

  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    Singapore Math – Level 2 (Full) Original price was: 940.00৳.Current price is: 705.00৳.

    Goofi অভিভাবকদের জন্য তার সন্তানের পূর্ণ বিকাশের জন্য সবসময়ই ভালো ভালো সব প্রোডাক্ট তৈরি করে। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় গুফি তৈরি করেছে Singapore Math. 

    Singapore Math এর ২টি লেভেলের টেক্সট বই প্রকাশিত হয়েছে এখন পর্যন্ত। আরও সিনিয়র লেভেলের কাজ চলছে।

  • Best Seller-25%Limited
    English Flash Card Feature
    Flash Card – English Original price was: 350.00৳.Current price is: 263.00৳.

    3 Types of Flash Cards (Bangla,English & Early Math)

    • Storage Box (16 Ounce Board),
    • Water-proof Flashcards,
    • Development Activity Cards,
    • ECD Expert Developed Content

    Engaging, Fun, and Interactive learning, For 2+ Years (2-4 Years old),
    Useful for Special Children also.

  • PopularFeatured-25%Limited
    Play with Alphabet Original price was: 700.00৳.Current price is: 525.00৳.

    Play with Alphabet is an innovative, interactive, and of course, super fun way to introduce the alphabet to children. In this book, each alphabet has been designed with several features that can engage children, for sure, in the process of learning.

    • Colorful Visuals: The book features vibrant illustrations to captivate young readers’ attention.
    • Hands-On Learning: Incorporates interactive activities like coloring, drawing, and mazes for a multi-sensory educational experience.
    • Educational Play: Combines games with learning, fostering cognitive skills like letter recognition and problem-solving in a playful manner.
    • Progressive Difficulty: Thoughtfully structured with increasing complexity to provide a sense of achievement and engagement.
    • Family-Friendly: Encourages independent learning while fostering positive parent-child interactions.
  • Best SellerFeatured-25%Limited
    Singapore Math – Level 1 (Full) Original price was: 900.00৳.Current price is: 675.00৳.

    Goofi অভিভাবকদের জন্য তার সন্তানের পূর্ণ বিকাশের জন্য সবসময়ই ভালো ভালো সব প্রোডাক্ট তৈরি করে। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় গুফি তৈরি করেছে Singapore Math. 

    Singapore Math এর ২টি লেভেলের টেক্সট বই প্রকাশিত হয়েছে এখন পর্যন্ত। আরও সিনিয়র লেভেলের কাজ চলছে।

    Available on backorder

  • Featured-26%Limited
    Letter to Picture – Bangla Original price was: 350.00৳.Current price is: 260.00৳.

    Goofi Letter to Picture -Bangla is the most amazing series for young children to learn the Bangla alphabet through a new technique invented by the author Waliullah Bhuiyan.

  • Featured-25%Limited
    Letter To Picture- English Original price was: 340.00৳.Current price is: 255.00৳.

    kindergarten books: Goofi Letter to Picture

  • -25%Limited
    Singapore Math 1A Original price was: 450.00৳.Current price is: 338.00৳.

    Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 1A is a Math Activity book for kids with the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Singapore Math uses the CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach concepts to build a strong foundation in math.

    1. The math activity book uses the CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach math concepts to build a very strong foundation in math.

    2. Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete the Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance.

    3. Singapore Math 1A and 1B books are appropriate for KG – 1, 2, Grade – 1 students, and Grade – 2.

    Available on backorder

  • -25%Limited
    Singapore Math- 1B Original price was: 450.00৳.Current price is: 338.00৳.

    Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 1B is a Math Activity book for kids with the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Singapore Math uses the CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach concepts to build a strong foundation in math.

    1. The math activity book uses the CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach math concepts to build a very strong foundation in math.

    2. Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete the Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance.

    3. Singapore Math 2A and 2B books are appropriate for KG – 1, 2, Grade – 1 students, and Grade – 2.

  • Featured-25%Limited
    Singapore Math- 2A Original price was: 450.00৳.Current price is: 338.00৳.

    Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 2A is a Math Activity book for kids with the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Singapore Math uses the CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach concepts to build a strong foundation in math.

    1. The math activity book uses CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach math concepts to build a very strong foundation in math.

    2. Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete the Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance.

    3. Singapore Math 2A and 2B books are appropriate for Grade – 2.

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